
Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-carbon Energy Systems (RESTLESS)

*** Just published: Presentation on public acceptability of energy storage technologies ***

What is the value of energy storage to a low-carbon UK economy?

The ‘Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-carbon Energy Systems’ (RESTLESS) project aims to understand how energy storage technologies might contribute to a transition toward a low-carbon economy.

We are comparing energy storage technologies using a wide range of operational, economic and environmental metrics. We are also examining public attitudes to energy storage, as well as to alternative technologies such as electricity network reinforcement and demand-side response (DSR) technologies. Our approach to estimating the value of energy storage uniquely takes a whole system approach, rather than just considering grid-scale storage.

This website contains information about RESTLESS, the research team and our principal insights.  You can contact us if you would like any further information.